Thursday, December 22, 2011

Peter Pedro, John Juan, and Analysis Phase

                The Analysis phase includes the job of defining and understanding what would be the business needs and what would be the needs in the processing of the system. The system analyst as the project manager will be defining what would be the system capabilities and constraints. System analyst will define what would be the functional needs of the system which would include the activities system must perform which will be based on procedures and business functions. The system analyst as the project manager will document the analysis models. The system analyst will define also the nonfunctional requirements of the system which would be the operating environment, the usability, the reliability, the security requirements, and the performance objectives of the system that the system analyst develops. The requirements of course would depend on the people with interest in successful system implementation, the one who will benefit the success of the system or the stakeholders of the system, and they would be the direct user of the system, the clients or the sponsor of the project of the system development, and the technical staff or the one that maintain the system operation. The analyst would be the one who will analyze who would be the people that corresponds to the three types of stakeholders. The first thing to do by the system analyst is to find or gather information that will be needed in the development of the project or the system that the system analyst develops. The information will be needed by the system analyst of the project in order to understand what the business-functions that are exist, and also from what the system analyst understand on the business functions. To understand more the business functions, it is practical to make or create a model of existing system, and from the model of the existing system, it would be possible to derive the information system requirements from the existing model. The other approach in the information gathering is to identify the logical requirements of the new system then the system analyst would balance the review of existing or current business functions with the new information system or system requirements. To make the results of the analysis more reliable, the system analyst does some fact finding investigation about the existing system.
                The fact finding jobs can be done in the investigation about the business by doing some readings in the review of existing report or procedure reports and descriptions about the system if there’s any. With that, it is part of the job to know identify business rules, discrepancies, and redundancies, and the need of understanding of the processes that are in the business. The other way of doing fact finding would be to do some interview and discussion about the business processes with the user of the system. Doing this would cost time because it is time consuming and money because it would be required to do many sessions in order to meet all the users and in order to understand more about the business processing requirements. The other way is to do more observations and documentation of business process in order to have a documentation of the existing system for future references which can be documented with workflow diagrams. It would be possible that there will be variation from the office walkthrough to performing actual task. The other way of making fact finding about the business process is to build and create system prototype. Making a preliminary design of the information system that will develop. It is focused in making the business process prototype to accomplish single objective which means that the prototype is changeable. The other way would be to distribute and collect questionnaires about the system that will be given to the stakeholders of the system. This technique of gathering information would be limited and specific information can be taken from a large number of stakeholders which would be the same. In short, small information can be taken a large number of people and is not well suited for gathering detailed information. Conduct application design sessions with members of the team that are in the group. It is an expedite investigation of system requirements seeking to compress fact-finding, modeling, policy formation, and verification activities into shorter time frame. With this method, it is important to have all the stakeholders in the session. Research more about vendor solutions. It is to conduct research if the other company solved the problem but it may cause a purchase solution before understanding problem which would result for the analyst who would conduct the method to not know the detail about the problem. A system analyst can pick from those method in gathering information. In the analysis phase, it is part of the analysis phase to model the information system that will be developed by the system analyst.
                The system analyst will develop the system requirements of the system that the system analyst develops. It is also included in the analysis phase to define the priority of the information system requirements with that the team can identify which of the requirements would need to be handled first. In analysis phase, the system analyst as the project manager will define the prototype for feasibility and also finding and evaluating what are the alternatives in handling the problem of the system. From that the system analyst can review recommendations in the system with the management or the client.
                Peter Pedro and John Juan, based on the problem, are arguing about what method to do initially in doing the analysis of the new information system that they plan to develop or make. In the problem, they are arguing in the process of doing analysis of system development which is obviously caused by different view and perspective on how to make analysis of developing new information system for the department that Peter Pedro and John Juan work. The argument of Peter Pedro and John Juan is all about on what initial work to do in order to have analysis on the new information system that Peter Pedro and John Juan develop or work together. Their argument of Peter Pedro and John Juan is all about what method of analysis to be performed to initialize or to start the project or information system of their department that they want to develop or make.  
                Before choosing the option of what person that I have to agree with the method of analysis of the information system of the company, I have to first define each of their side. I have to define why would be the reason why would be the advantage of the method of Peter Pedro and the advantage of the method of John Juan. And also what would be the disadvantage of the method of the method of Peter Pedro and the disadvantages of the method of John Juan. I have also to include what are the differences of the method of the Peter Pedro and John Juan, and also, I have to define in details about the methods of analysis of Peter Pedro and John Juan.
                The way or methodology of John Juan of making the analysis phase in developing or making the information system for the department of the company is different than of the way of methodology or way of making the information system of Peter Pedro.  The methodology or the way of making of the information system of John Juan is about examining the list of information system requirements needed in the information system of the department of the company.
                John Juan has a different way or methodology of modeling the information system of the department of the company. John Juan if following or doing the method of modeling of object oriented approach in modeling the information system for the department of the company. it is to make the list of the requirements needed and convert the needed requirements into use cases. The use cases is the key in doing the object oriented approach of modeling the information system of the department of the company. So I think, the method of analysis of the John Juan follows a modeling method of object oriented approach in modeling the information system of the department of the company.
                So first I have to explain about what is the Object Oriented Approach of modeling the information system for the department of the company. Object oriented system Approach of modeling information system is Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.0). The unified modeling language is a standard modeling technique or method of Object Management Group (OMG). In the Object Oriented Approach of modeling the system in the analysis phase of developing information system for a department of a company, the system is viewed as a collection of interacting objects. The view of the information system in object oriented modeling approach is that objects interact with people and each other. And the information system is viewed in doing Object Oriented Approach in making model of information system as objects that send and respond to messages from the objects or people which interacts with each other. One of the requirements of the modeling of information system are specified and documented through process of building models. The initial process of object oriented method of modeling is to identify the use cases and problem domain classes (one the things in users’ work environment). In also doing the Object Oriented modeling approach of modeling information system, business events generate elementary business processes that the new or the developed system must address as use cases. As part of the Object Oriented approach in modeling information system, the use cases define the functional requirements of the information system that would be developed for the department of the company. The object oriented approach of modeling the information system requires different kinds of models, like use case model, it is a collection of models to capture system requirements. The use case is simply the reason to use a system or information system.  There should be analysis in the use case of the system, since it is needed to identify and define all business processes that system must support. The use case is also an activity that the system carried out, and it is usually in response to a user request.          
                The other one is the use case diagram, it is a used in helping in identifying the actors and their roles on how the actor roles utilize the system. The use case diagram contain actors that usually represented by a stick. The actor is the person who interacts with the system, it is also the role played by the user and it is outside the automation boundary. Simple use case diagram shows overview of functional requirements.
                 The other one is the activity diagram, the activity diagram is a type of workflow diagram that describes the user activities and their sequential flow. The activity diagram is used to document the workflow of business process activities for each use case or scenario in the information system developed in the project. The activity diagram support any level of use case description; a supplement to use case descriptions. Also, the activity diagrams are helpful in developing system sequence diagrams.
                The other model required in modeling information system following the object oriented approach of modeling system is the System Sequence Diagrams (SSDs), the System Sequence Diagram defines inputs and outputs and sequence of interactions between user and system for a use case. The System Sequence Diagram is a communication diagram or a sequence diagram. The System Sequence Diagram is used to model input and output messaging requirements for a use case or scenario of the information system. The System Sequence Diagram shows sequence of interactions as messages during flow of activities. In System Sequence Diagram, the system is shown as one object and it is a black box. The System Sequence Diagram follows a notation, it is said that Lifeline or object lifeline is a vertical line under object or actor to show passage of time for object. The other notation is that the message is labeled on arrows to show messages sent to or received by actor or system, Actor is role interacting with the system with messages. 
                The other model that required in object oriented approach in modeling the information system is the message between the object, it is the communication between objects within a use case. The other model that will be needed in modeling the information system is the Domain models, the domain models describes the classes of objects and their states. And the other model required in doing object oriented approach in modeling information system is the State Machine Diagrams, the state machine diagrams describe states of each object.
                The way or methodology of Peter Pedro of making the analysis phase in developing or making the information system for the department of the company is different than of the way of methodology or way of making the information system of John Juan.  The methodology or the way of making of the information system of Peter Pedro is about examining the process in the old or existing information system of the department of the company. Peter Pedro follows the traditional method or approach of modeling the information system for the department of the company.
                So now, I will explain what would be the traditional approach of modeling information system for the department of the company. The Traditional approach or method of doing model of information system view the system as a collection of process, the traditional approach or method of making a model to a system also must view the system as collection of process that interact with data entities. In the traditional way or approach in modeling information system, the system is regarded as a collection of processes that accept inputs and produce outputs. In doing the traditional method or approach of modeling information system, a data flow diagram will be made as part of the method In the traditional approach. The data flow diagram shows how data moves through an information system but does now show program logic or processing steps. A set of data flow diagrams provides a logical model that shows what the system does, not how the information system does the processes and the work. In making the data flow diagram, it is needed to create a graphical model of the information system based on your fact-finding results. There are three step process of making the data flow diagram, the first one is to draw a context diagram. The context diagram is a data flow diagram that summarizes all processing activity for the system or subsystem. In making the data flow diagram, a logical model and a physical model are made. The logical model shows what the system must do. The logical model assumes implementation in perfect technology. And the logical model does not tell how system is implemented. The second one to be made with data flow diagram is the physical model. The physical model describe how the system will be constructed. The physical model also describes assumtions about implementation technology. And also, the physical model developed in last stages of analysis or in early design. The physical model of data flow diagram shows the technology-specific processes. the physical model of dataflow diagram shows actor-specific process names. Also, the physical model of dataflow diagram shows technology or actor specific process orders and the physical model of dataflow diagram shows redundant processes, data flows, and files. The context diagram is highest level and is the most abstract view of the information system and the context diagram shows system boundaries. Then the second one is to draw a 0 data flow diagram, and the last one is to draw the lower-level diagrams. In traditional approach in modeling information system for the department of a company, each process, data flow and data store requires detailed definition. Analyst may define processes as structured English process specifications, decision tables, decision trees, or detail process data flow diagram. The detailed process decomposition of data flow diagrams used when internal process complexity is great. Data flows are defined by component data elements and their internal structure.
                From those facts, we now define the sides of two parties, Peter Pedro and John Juan. Their point was both fine and good. The method of doing analysis in the information system of the department of the company should depend on the situation of the company. if they want a fast result on or if they want to have the system as soon as possible, they to do the object oriented approach in modeling the information system for the department of the company which would initially require the system analyst to get the list of requirements and determine what would be they want the system to do and convert the result to a use case. Makin the use case diagram would be the initial step in doing the object oriented approach of modeling information system for the department of the company. If they want to have long and predictive approach in doing the life cycle or the system development life cycle, they have to follow what mister John Juan proposed.
                The proposed method of the two person don’t differ that much. The fact finding, examining the old system, review of the key documents of the systems and observing the workers are all the other way of knowing the list of requirements. It is just that, the list of requirement would probably the same or overlaps the features, functionalities and modules of previous information system or old information system. if I were to choose on what method I will follow, the method of Peter Pedro or the method of John Juan, I would it by saying “It depends on the trust of the client on me”. If they don’t allow me to do fact finding personally, do examining old or existing information system, review on the documents that would help me in doing the system development of the system, observing their workers, and just give list of system requirement that they want in the system to protect the confidentiality of their company, I have no choice but to do the job. But if they trust me enough to do observation personally on their company operation, I would do the job based on what would be the result of my observation on the company operation. As much as possible, I would do the method that John Juan do even if it would cost me more effort.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

System Development Lifecycle in the University

                As a student in the university, it would be hard for me to determine the system development methodology or system development process that the information system developer used in developing the information system in the university. it would be natural to think that every faculty in the university will not disclose the methodology and every faculty of the University of Southeastern Philippines Obrero campus will not confide the details about the system of the university without having permission the university president Dr. Alibin. For now, it would be hard for me to determine the exact answer that if the information system developers developed new methodology of system development specifically for the university. and it would be natural to think that every faculty would not disclose their work to a student like me who is a current student of the university. my words here are based on what I observed to what I see and feel when I encounter and experience the information system of the university.
                In the university, many systems that the university professors developed used in their operation. The system of the university is functional and it is satisfying the need of the university in terms of the business processes, to accommodate the students in the university in each different colleges.  The information systems that the university is using, based on what I observed, are the billing system or the system that the cashier of the university used. The other system that the university is using is the nails enrollment system that every students of the university experience of which also every students of the university experience to enroll for the semester. The other system that the university utilizes is the human resource system that the people of the university used in order to have information about the staff, professor and facilitator of the university. The other information system that I observed is the library system of the library in the University of Southeastern Philippines. It handles about the operation in the library of the university. Also the other information system that is currently used in the university is the online grading profile system of the university. The online grading profile system is all about the grades of every student in the university in all the subjects in all semester that the student enrolled. There is another information system that I observed in the university, it is the VaqSys system. It is a log in system for the student to use the computer of the school, in the computer lab 2 and in the library. These information systems are used in the operations of the processes in the university. And these information systems are done by the faculty of the institute of computing, one of the colleges of the university. I observed also that the making of the system is done alone by a faculty of the college, as if like every faculty of the college is assigned to a system for the maintenance, operation, and development of the system.
                The cashier’s billing system is helping the cashier of the university in doing cashier’s job. It help the cashiers in checking the accounts of the students. Based on what I observed, the billing system can do checks about the account of the students. It helps the student to check their corresponding accountabilities and unpaid payments in school. When making a payment the cashier’s billing system made an official receipt that will be given to the student or to the person who pays. The cashier’s billing system helps the work force of the cashiers in the university. The cashier’s billing system also helps the process to be easy to audit, since the system returns reports to the user of the system as one of the its output.
                The other system that the university used in their operation is the enrollment system. The enrollment system of the university is used for the enrollment of the students in the university. The enrollment system of the university also used to enroll the subjects of the students in the university. The initial process of the information system is the student will input the subject that the students in the encoder of the student’s respective college. There, the enrollment information system will check if there will be existing conflict of schedule that exists within the schedule of the subjects of the student. If there is no conflict of schedule, the student can proceed to the next process of the enrollment. With that, the enrollment information system will eventually add the subjects of the student with in that semester. After that the information system will just to confirm the enrollment of the student when the student is done to the other processes. After that, the student will go the registrar and let the registrar see the receipts and the other reliabilities of the student to the person in the registrar. After that all, the person in the registrar will confirm the enrollment of the student and the registrar will give the student the student’s copy of the certificate of enrollment. The output of the information system is the student’s copy and the registrar’s copy of the certificate of enrollment. This certificate of enrollment will be the basis that the student is enrolled to the university in the semester. The other output of the information system is the set of schedule that will be given to every faculty of the university. It is the set of schedule that will be followed throughout the semester. As part of the output of the information system, there will be complete assignment of the faculty to their respective classes that will be followed throughout the semester.
                The other information system of the university is the online grade profile of the students that can be seen in the website which most of the students in the university used.  The system is about the grade of the students of all the semester that the student enrolled. in the website, the student can view the grade of the subjects that the students enrolled after the student log in to the system. The student log in to the information system with the student’s id number. The system is also allowing changes on the password of the student’s account. The system was made by Sir Fortich before he leaved from the university.
                The other system that the university used is the VaqSys that can be seen by the students of the university every time they use the computer in the computer laboratory and when they use the computer in the library of the university. It is used so that the computer can be used only by the students of the university. The utilization of the computers is limited which means that the student is limited to use the computer to a certain number of consumable hours. Every time the student log in to the information system, they use their id number to log in. when they log in, the time that they accommodate will be subtracted to the allotted time that is left to the student account after they log out to the system. The system also can give or transfer some of the consumable time of a student to other student. The student is also allowed to change their respective password in the information system.
                The other system of the university includes the library system that every student encounter is the human resource system that the school uses to have information about the staffs and faculty of the university. With that the university has information with the staffs and the faculty of the university.
                 The information systems of the university were done by doing the different methodology or approach of developing a system. Because as I observed, the university did not hire a team or an experienced system analyst in doing the systems that university utilize today and also the university didn’t have experienced system analyst. As what I know, the VaqSys system that is used in making a check in using the computers in the computer laboratories was done by Engr. Val Quimno. The online grading profile was done by Sir Japheth, according to what I know. The system in the library, based on what I know was done by Sir Dan. From these facts, it only means that the information systems of the university were done individually by the faculty of the Institute of Computing. And it also means that the process of the development of the systems were different. The developers do not have a team to work with. The making and the development of the systems were done in unorthodox way. From these facts, it is safe to say that the life cycle of making and developing information systems was developed specifically for the university. The life cycle of making and developing the information system of the university can easily be observed since, based on what I observed, all of the systems were done individually which means that the approach of making the system is different than the usual way of making or developing the information system.  Whatever what is this life cycle of development of information system, this life cycle or methodology is design for making the information system with only one person or making the information system alone. By thinking about it in very deep manner, I can say that the life cycle or the methodology was developed or made to cover up the thing that the university cannot provide.
                The university does not have enough funds for hiring experienced system analyst who will initiate the project of making or developing the project or the system, and the university does not enough finances for hiring experienced members that will work in the team with the system analyst in making and developing an information system. From that facts, it means that the life cycle or the methodologies of making the information system is developed specifically for the university which does not have enough funds for sponsoring or subsidizing projects like making or developing information systems that would cost too much for the university when the project will be initiated.
                The university is lacking people that they need to handle in developing and making new systems. The university does not have the people who can do the development or making the new system fulltime. Since all the faculty in the Institute of Computing is also teaching and so with the other faculty of the university that can have the knowledge or can have the ability in helping with the developing or making a new system, like the faculty of the computer technology in the College of Technology.
                With these facts about the current situation of the university, the work on developing or the making of the information system that the university is needed to be done alone by faculty of institute of computing. So the life cycle or methodology of developing or making a system was developed or made specifically for the university to cover up or to handle the lack of resources of the university.
                By investigating more, maybe I can find out more about the life cycle or the methodology that was used as a basis in the making or in the development of the system. By now, using what I know as the basis of what I am saying, it is still not clear in me for now to tell that the university developed life cycle or methodology in making system specifically for the usage in making new system in the university. To know that fact, it is needed to have interview with the one who made the information systems that are currently used by the University of Southeastern Philippines. To have an accurate and reliable answers or information, I have to do some interviews and ask some questions with the person who helped develop and made the information system. I have to ask what system development methodology or process of developing information system that they based at. i can ask if they follow some methodology which would be the basis of other information system developers that made or develop the other information system in the university, of course, can be confirmed after asking all the developers that made their respective information system. by also making more detailed observation  to the system in the University of Southeastern Philippines in Obrero Campus. In doing observation and investigation,
                As of now, we cannot see clearly the methodology if it is happening or not. In order to have knowledge whether the methodology that information system developer of the system that the university utilize, I have to investigate more and ask more of the questions to the information system developers of the University of Southeastern Philippines in Obrero Campus. The other way also is to have more rigid observation to the systems in the University of Southeastern Philippines a check if the system meets the minimum requirements needed by the university in its operation and work force. I believe that there is no perfect system, the information system that the university utilized, i think, meets the minimum requirements that the university needs but the system is not that perfect to make the works of the stakeholders of the information system to the easiest possible. The information system has also delays and lapses.
                In the enrollment information system, the lapses their based on what I observed, that it is still impossible to have an online enrollment to lessen that queue during the enrollment period. During the enrollment of the start of the semester, the queue of the student who try to enroll is very long and time consuming. It makes me think that what if there’s online enrollment so that everybody can focus on their break and so that everybody will not ruin their vacation just to have a very long and stressful enrollment of the university.
                In the cashier’s billing system, the system and the information system of the billing system is quite perfect. It make me wonder if we could have pay it through our payment cards like or pay it without have to be in the very long queue of the billing system. like paying in the cashier using a student’s bank account or by using a payment cards as a payment like ATMs, credit card, or debit cards. With that, it would be easy for the student to handle in paying to the cashier much easier, more comfortable and more efficient way.
                As of now, the information systems that the developers who done the information system alone, based on what I observe, is effective and meets the minimum requirements of the system. at least the information system that the information systems developers made, help in the improvement of the work force in the university and help the process of the university faster. And I also think that that it is way better to have this system even it is not that perfect, it is way better than to have a manual process in the university which would be more hustle, more stressful, and more error prone process of doing university related stuffs.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The System Development Models

                The success of making the system is depending on the development models that the system analyst used. The system development models are used as a basis in developing an information system. The system development is somehow like a plan or structure in making system that system analyst plan. The following system development models are the models, or method, or plan that the system analyst follows in their process in developing their information system.
                The structure of the system development process is always based on the phases that everybody followed in making information system that a system analyst handles a project. Even if they do something else or added phases from it, the common thing among the system development models circles around the system development life cycle which follows this phases or guidelines.
                The first thing that the system analyst does is to start the project in doing what are the needs of the information system that the client needs. The system analysts do also in planning phase is to define the problem that the client wants to be solved in order to improve the system that the client wants to improve. In defining the problem, the system analyst will identify the problem by interviewing the key users of the system. The system analyst also will make and develop the list of the expectation on business benefits or business advantage, is define in terms of its effect or influence that can cause financial benefit to the client or the sponsor of the system development. Other than making or develop the expectation on business advantage, the system analysts also identify and define the expected system capabilities. It is part of the job in the planning phase to define the scope and the limits in terms of requirement including the making a series of documents that contains problem description, business benefits, and system capabilities. The system analyst will also do the planning of what to do and what to accomplish in a specific set of days and weeks. The system analyst will plan and make a schedule for what would be the target of the specific date. The system analyst is the one that make what would be the schedule out of the limited resources that will be given to the system analyst from the client or the sponsor of the system development. Also the system analyst will plan how to make the operation of the system development process to be faster out of the schedule that the system analyst made which will be based on the resources that will be given to the system analyst. The resources of the system development can be the members of the team that the system analyst manages, the software tools that will be used in developing the system that the system analyst develops, and can also be the hardware tools and paraphernalia that the staff of the system analyst use in developing information system that the system analyst develop. In making the schedule, it is part of the job of the system analyst to develop the work breakdown structure of the project of the project that the system analyst handles. The system analyst will identify the task and activities that the team system analyst, the project manager of the system, will do or execute along the development of the information system. In making the schedule, it is part of the job in the planning phase to make a schedule using a Gant chart.  The basis of the Gant chart would be the activities and task that the team would execute along in developing the project. The system analyst, as the project manager, will also formulate the Pert Chart which will be based on the work breakdown structure which would be the individual or the subgroups’ task and activities. And as I said before, the system analyst will make schedule out of the resources available, of course, the system analyst must develop first the required resources needed in the project in making the information system which the system analyst handle. The other job in the planning phase is confirming the project feasibility. In the planning phase, it is important to determine the feasibility of the project that the system analyst handles, since it is important how feasible the project would be. The system analyst, as the project manager, will analyze what would be the feasibility of the project in terms of economic feasibility, defining if the project would cause a benefit or cost to the client or the sponsor of the project and as part of the economic feasibility analysis, the project manager will define and analyze the source of funds of the project. The system analyst also the do the organizational and cultural feasibility, technological feasibility, schedule feasibility and resource feasibility. In analyzing the organizational and cultural feasibility, the project manager must identify if the system that his team develop is fit into the culture of the company and project manager will do identifying potential risk in evaluating issues related to the system and the culture of the company. The cultural and organizational issues include low level of computer competency, computer phobia, fear employment loss which will causes usually by the automation of the system. In analyzing the technological feasibility, the project manager consider if the system is a state of the art technology, there is more consideration if the expertise needed in development the system exist in the people in the team and analyzing if there would an outside vendor to be involve in the project. In the analysis of the schedule feasibility, the system analyst as the project manager estimates what would be the need of the system even with or without complete information exist which would draw to drive realistic assumptions and estimates, recommend what time would be the range of time for the completion in order to build a completion date flexibility, assign temporary date marks to periodically reassess completion dates, the decision to involve experienced personnel, formulate the management in proper allocation of the resources. The project manager also analyze what resources are available and resources that can be acquired for the project. the project manager will analyze and define the availability of the team members that exist to work with the project, the project manager consider also the team skills and experiences of the people work for the project. the project manager will also consider the availability of the hardware and paraphernalia needed in developing the system which include the computer, equipment and supplies, and the project manager also consider the availability and time of the staff that are present to work for the system. The project manager also plan the salaries and the wages of the staff, the preparation of the equipment, training and the other things that may cause cost to the client or the sponsor of the project. Also in the planning phase and the project manager will define and analyze risk, if there exist while analyzing project feasibility, and do the risk management of the risk in doing the project in doing the information system. It is also in the planning phase that the project manager must have to know the skills and experience of the people working in the development of the system which can be done in activities such as team building but it would cost the sponsor or the client. From that planning, it would be up to the client or the sponsor of the development of the system to approve the proposal in order to let project team to start their work.
                The Analysis phase includes the job of defining and understanding what would be the business needs and what would be the needs in the processing of the system. The system analyst as the project manager will be defining what would be the system capabilities and constraints. System analyst will define what would be the functional needs of the system which would include the activities system must perform which will be based on procedures and business functions. The system analyst as the project manager will document the analysis models. The system analyst will define also the nonfunctional requirements of the system which would be the operating environment, the usability, the reliability, the security requirements, and the performance objectives of the system that the system analyst develops. The requirements of course would depend on the people with interest in successful system implementation, the one who will benefit the success of the system or the stakeholders of the system, and they would be the direct user of the system, the clients or the sponsor of the project of the system development, and the technical staff or the one that maintain the system operation. The analyst would be the one who will analyze who would be the people that corresponds to the three types of stakeholders. The first thing to do by the system analyst is to find or gather information that will be needed in the development of the project or the system that the system analyst develops. The information will be needed by the system analyst of the project in order to understand what the business-functions that are exist, and also from what the system analyst understand on the business functions. To understand more the business functions, it is practical to make or create a model of existing system, and from the model of the existing system, it would be possible to derive the information system requirements from the existing model. The other approach in the information gathering is to identify the logical requirements of the new system then the system analyst would balance the review of existing or current business functions with the new information system or system requirements. To make the results of the analysis more reliable, the system analyst does some fact finding investigation about the existing system.
                The fact finding jobs can be done in the investigation about the business by doing some readings in the review of existing report or procedure reports and descriptions about the system if there’s any. With that, it is part of the job to know identify business rules, discrepancies, and redundancies, and the need of understanding of the processes that are in the business. The other way of doing fact finding would be to do some interview and discussion about the business processes with the user of the system. Doing this would cost time because it is time consuming and money because it would be required to do many sessions in order to meet all the users and in order to understand more about the business processing requirements. The other way is to do more observations and documentation of business process in order to have a documentation of the existing system for future references which can be documented with workflow diagrams. It would be possible that there will be variation from the office walkthrough to performing actual task. The other way of making fact finding about the business process is to build and create system prototype. Making a preliminary design of the information system that will develop. It is focused in making the business process prototype to accomplish single objective which means that the prototype is changeable. The other way would be to distribute and collect questionnaires about the system that will be given to the stakeholders of the system. This technique of gathering information would be limited and specific information can be taken from a large number of stakeholders which would be the same. In short, small information can be taken a large number of people and is not well suited for gathering detailed information. Conduct application design sessions with members of the team that are in the group. It is an expedite investigation of system requirements seeking to compress fact-finding, modeling, policy formation, and verification activities into shorter time frame. With this method, it is important to have all the stakeholders in the session. Research more about vendor solutions. It is to conduct research if the other company solved the problem but it may cause a purchase solution before understanding problem which would result for the analyst who would conduct the method to not know the detail about the problem. A system analyst can pick from those method in gathering information.
                The system analyst will develop the system requirements of the system that the system analyst develops. It is also included in the analysis phase to define the priority of the information system requirements with that the team can identify which of the requirements would need to be handled first. In analysis phase, the system analyst as the project manager, will define the prototype for feasibility and also finding and evaluating what are the alternatives in handling the problem of the system. from that the system analyst can review recommendations in the system with the management or the client.
                The job here is to design what would be the functions and the operations that the system analyst wants in the information system. It would be the detail of what would be the layouts of the graphical user interface and the process of the information system that the system analyst design which would be based on the result of the analysis in the analysis phase of developing the information system along the project. At this phase there would be a design of the different screen layout. It would be here in this phase that the design of the entity-relationship diagram would be made. It would be here in this phase that the design of the data flow diagram. Data flow diagram shows how data moves through an information system and it will now show the processing steps and the program logic, it will just show what the information system does. With the collection of the dataflow diagram, a context diagram can be made out of the data flow diagram that was made. It is somewhat like a summary of all the dataflow diagram of the system. the system analyst also design a use case diagram to help them in the implementation of the information system and along the project development.
                Here all the design will be implemented in the machine. There will be implementations of the screen layout or the layout of the graphical user interface, the implementation of the business process that will be used in the business processing, and the implementation of the data flow diagrams for the what the system will do and entity relationship diagrams for how the machine manage the database of the information system. With the help of a number of programmers, the system analyst as the project manager will guide what would be specifics of the system that should be coded. Testing the codes the information technology personnel or the programmers is part of the job in the implementation in order to have a check if there are defects in the system that may cause from the bugs of the codes or some typographic error from the programmers or from the information technology personnel.
Support or Maintenance
                There should be some technical team who will ensure the operation and the functionalities of the system in order of the system to deliver well to the user and to the businesses. After the deployment of the information system that the system analyst and the members of the team in the project works, the system analyst as the project manager will have some people that will monitor the information system and monitor. Monitoring the system may result to the new problem that the system analyst observe and may result to the initiation of a new project.
System Development Models
                When using system development lifecycle as a structure or plan of the process in making the system, the system analyst can do the system development lifecycle in two approaches. The system development lifecycle can be in one way process approach or traditional approach which can be based on the waterfall model, or the adaptive approach which can be iterative approach and can be based on the spiral model.
Waterfall model
                Also known as the waterfall model, it is the one of the most widely used model that is usually used as a structure of developing system by the system analyst. Waterfall model follows the process of the system development lifecycle it is such that the process of the waterfall model is in one direction or the structure of the plan is in linear process. The waterfall name of the model is based from the sequences of the phases of the system development lifecycle, it is like waterfall. The concept is, if the team is done in one phase, they can proceed to the next phase in the sequence of the system development lifecycle. The structure of the process of making the system of the team including the system analyst is in one direction. Meaning, the direction of the phases that the team must undergo is one direction, no turning back to the opposite direction. The phases of the system development lifecycle are planning, analysis phase, design, implementation and support or maintenance and the waterfall model can be called a traditional approach of system development lifecycle because the structure or framework of the waterfall model is done in one way approach. The waterfall model is a linear approach to the system development process and when the project ends, the system is will not be touched anymore for improvement.  
Spiral model
                The spiral model approach in making or developing a system is an iterative repetition way of doing system development lifecycle. The phases that will be based is like the waterfall model but the process of doing the project of making the information system can be done iteratively, it is just like doing the waterfall model repeatedly until the project of making the system more stable will be done. The output of each cycle will be the prototype of the project of the system that the system analyst works. The iteration is done because there is an assumption that the first cycle of the process would not be perfect and in every iteration or repetition, the aim is to refine and polish the previous result or prototype.  There would be a mini project for each of the iterations or repetitions, and the job would be getting smaller for each of the iterations or repetitions of the project of making the information undergone.
                Scrum is the term used in rugby which means to restart the game after accidental breach or when the ball has gone out of play. In the system development, the term scrum means a method of system development that would require a fast respond to situation as rapidly as possible and fast respond to the project needs. The approach to the system development is to break the system into its subsystem or work or task that will be done and apply the waterfall model in every subsystem or task or work of a system one at a time within a certain time or in the scrum terminology, a sprint. The sprint is a basic unit of target time of work which would tend to last between a week and a month and has a deadline or having a given or allotted time to do the work. After the developing subsystems, it is possible to undergone iteration to the process in order to refine the functionality of the system. a scrum is a kind of agile system development that promotes adaptive planning, immediate and flexible response to changes and development, and having allotted or target time to do the work.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

System Analyst as Project Managers

                Before I mention something about what system analyst and its role in making and developing systems, I will first explain the words that construct it. The system according to oxford dictionary is a “complex whole; a set of things working together as a mechanism or interconnecting network; Human or animal body as a whole”. System, in software developer’s perspective and based on what I believe, is the collection of software application that the software developer’s made, and the collection of the software that was used that compose a system (computer system). Like in inventory system, the developers usually include report and checking functionality or application to the system.
                System Analyst is the one that researches problems, plans solutions, recommends software and systems, and coordinates development to meet business or other requirements. They are also developing cost analysis, design considerations, and implementation time-lines.  They do some research, observation, analysis, and recommendation of software and hardware specification, to make the work of the client more efficient and to make a low management cost.
                Project Managers are the one that have the responsibility of the planning, execution, and closing of any project. So with this definition, the project manager is just in the general field while the system analyst is specific.
                The role of the System Analyst as the role manager may vary depending on the software that he or she analyzes. To understand the role of the system analyst in detail, I am going to say it in step by step manner based on the interview that I’ve done with a system analyst. First, They usually ask people what they need their computers to do. Then they plan a computer system that can do those tasks well. A System may include many computers working together and different types of software and other tools.
                After analysts understand what the system needs to do, they break down the task into small steps. They draw diagrams and charts to show how information will get into the computers, how that information will be processed, and how it will get to the people who need it. For example, analysts might decide how sales information will get into a store's computers and how the computer will add up the information in a way that makes it useful for store managers.
                After analysts understand what the system needs to do, they break down the task into small steps. They draw diagrams and charts to show how information will get into the computers, how that information will be processed, and how it will get to the people who need it. For example, analysts might decide how sales information will get into a store's computers and how the computer will add up the information in a way that makes it useful for store managers.
                Analysts experiment with different computer system plans. They try various tools and steps until they find the system that is fastest, easiest, and costs the least.
                Next, analysts decide which computers, software, and tools to buy. They also tell computer programmers how to make any new software that is needed. They give the programmers step-by-step instructions. Some analysts help make the software, too.
                The main job for some systems analysts is getting computers to work together. They connect them into a network. Analysts decide how to get information from one computer to another. Many help people get data from the Internet.
                After planning a system, System analysts test it to make sure it works. Testing the system is part of the maintaining their implementations of their plan. They check to make sure that information is processed quickly and without mistakes. They also watch to see if the system is easy to use. Often, they have to change their plans to make the systems better. When they have changes, the system analyst as project manager will organize the members so that the implementation of the changes will be successful.
                Computer systems analysts work in offices or computer labs. Some work from home. Working on a computer for a long time can give these workers eye, back, or wrist problems. Sometimes, these workers work long hours to get a project done on time. Analysts usually work as part of a team.
                When doing a project, system analyst do as the project manager is that the system analyst will identify the task and build a work breakdown structure. System analyst is also the one that develop and formulate project schedule and recruit and train team members. Usually, system analyst develops a Gant chart in making and organizing schedule. As a project manager, the system analysts are the one that lead the member so that they can have the milestone and target of their work and organize the work of the member. The System analysts organize the members and make a workgroups and assign team to the workgroups. As a project manager, system analyst is the one that coordinates activities of the team members and sub teams. The system analyst is also the one that lead the communication between the members of the groups and initiate the team building. System analyst is the one that identify and asses project risks and system analyst is also the one that monitors and control project deliverables and milestone which includes verifying the quality of project deliverables. The system analyst as project manager is also the one that do the risk management and
                The system analyst reports the project status and progress. System analyst, as project manager, is also the one that establish good working relationships with those who identify the needed system requirements or to the people who will use the system. The system analysts are the one that do interview and investigation about what are the needs of the user of the system. from that interview, they are the one that come up with a change or improvement. As project manager, system analyst is also the one that work directly with the client or to the project’s sponsor and to the other stakeholder. System analyst also does identifying resource needs and obtains resources.

Characteristics of a Good System Analyst

                All organizations rely on computer and information technology to conduct business and operate efficiently and to perform specific functions and manage data and business aspects.  The businesses rely on the computer systems that made the processes of their company more efficient. As the organizations and businesses are towards changing and improvement, they hire an expert that will study their existing process and develop it and make it more efficient by using computer systems. Computer systems analysts help organizations to use technology effectively and to incorporate rapidly changing technologies into their existing systems. In order to run efficiently, organizations must use technology and to integrate new evolving technologies prudently. Computer systems need updating and customizing on a regular basis. This is where the computer systems analyst comes in. The work of computer systems analysts evolves rapidly, reflecting new areas of specialization and changes in technology.
                                When we interview a sir Ariel Pabilona, a System Analyst that work as a freelance before, accepting jobs in doing information systems of his client, he gave us five pointers about what it takes to be a good system analyst. It was Thursday last week, December 8 2011. According to Ariel Pabilona, to be a good system analyst, a system analyst should have the following characteristics: The system analyst must be able to communicate in writing and orally. Second, the system analyst must easily get along with people. Thirdly, the system analyst must be a good listener and be able to react to what people say. The fourth pointer is that, a system analyst must be knowledgeable of technology. The analyst is not expected to know the intricacies of programming, but a decent general knowledge of concepts and terms is essential. The last one is that, a system analyst must be knowledgeable of business. The analyst is not expected to be an expert in business but a decent understanding of the client's world is required.  Sir Ariel Pabilona explained us something about these characteristics. Like how to develop the characteristic and how to achieve the skill to be one of the good system analysts. He also said that a systems analyst researches problem, plans solutions, recommends software and systems, and coordinates development to meet business or other requirements. They will be familiar with multiple varieties of programming languages, operating systems, and computer hardware platforms. Because they often write user requests into technical specifications, the systems analysts are the liaisons between vendors and information technology professionals. They may be responsible for developing cost analysis, design considerations, and implementation time-lines.
                Apparently, a system analyst plays a major role in a project team which works primarily for an information system. A system is defined as a group of interrelated components functioning together to achieve an outcome. An information system (IS) is a collection of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and provide as output information needed to complete tasks. A systems analyst researches problem, plans solutions, recommends software and systems, and coordinates development to meet business or other requirements. He/she also develops information systems that support strategic planning. A systems analyst may: interact with the customers to learn and document requirements, interact with designers to understand software limitations, help programmers during system development, perform system testing, deploy the completed system, document requirements or contribute to user manuals. There are various roles that a system analyst plays: as a business problem-solver, as a consultant, as a supporting agent, as an agent or catalyst of change. The basis of being a good computer system analyst is still not clear since every system analyst have different approach to the problem which they rely on their strength. The characteristics of a good computer system analyst according to sir Ariel Pabilona will be discuss later on.
                The first characteristic is all about to be a good speaker and a good writer. Sir Ariel Pabilona said that to be a good speaker a speaker must be confident about what he say and what he or she about to speak. He also said something about the voice to make what the things that a system analyst more understandable. As what sir Ariel Pabilona said, a good speaker is the one that can deliver his thought to the others in efficient way. It makes me think about what are the other simple methods that can make my speaking skills improve. Sir Ariel pabilona told us that an online search can help us if we want pointer on how to be a good speaker. In my online search that I had done, i found out that to be a good speaker, a person should have a good expressive face. A good speaker must not have no extra gestures or mannerism when talking and the most important is to have a good posture of dignity, confidence and grace. When making a system model, being a good speaker can have a great help in making an interaction and communication to the direct user of the system and to the client or the sponsor of the project. Being a good speaker helps the system when expressing what would be the change or the improvement of the information system that the system analyst project. As a good speaker, a good speaker system analyst can organize the members of the project more efficiently since everybody will not have a hard time listening to the instructions came from their leader or the system analyst of the project.  With that situation, a good speaker system analyst can organize the group more easily which will result to the better milestone of the project.
                The second characteristic is all about getting along with people. Systems analysts need to understand how people think learn, react to change, communicate, and work (in a variety of jobs and levels). Interpersonal and communication skills are crucial in obtaining information, motivating people, getting cooperation, understanding the complexity and workings of an organization in order to provide necessary support. It is all about gaining trust with people so easily. But to think of it, I think it is not about only in gaining someone else’s trust but playing with someone else’s personality so that you can adopt with it and make the other people getting along or will not make a hard time going with you. The key for me is by developing the knowledge on how people think, learn, analyze and socialize. In learning concerning on what people might think, a system analyst can be more sensitive about on what might be the direct user of the system think on the system that he design. also by learning concerning on what people might think, the system analyst can anticipate on what might be the errors that the direct users of the project encounter, execute or put to the inputs of the information systems that the system analyst develop. In learning on how the people learn, it would help the system analyst in making the manual of the system. Also by knowing on how people learn will help the system analyst formulate the functionalities that the system analyst put to the system that the system analyst do. With that characteristic of system analyst within a project, it would be easy for a system analyst in the subject to make a good understanding about the different personalities that are present within the system analyst workgroups and it would easy of the system analyst to adopt and work with that personality. It would be helpful when getting along with the direct user of the system and the client or the sponsor of the project that the system analyst do. If a system analyst can get along with people easily, it would be easy for the system analyst to get a client and gain friends or acquaintance among the system analyst’s workgroups or projects.
                The third characteristics is all about the system analyst as a good and listener and be able to react to what people say. It means that a system analyst must have a good understanding on what the system analyst hear and listen. Also, it means that a system analyst must be very sensitive on what people say and react immediately from it. It made me ask to sir Ariel Pabilona how can determine if a person is a good listener. A good listener is attentive and makes a good eye to eye contact.  It includes of paying close attention to the speaker and does not interrupt the speaker. A good speaker also does not rush to the speaker, is sensitive to the speaker, ask appropriate questions and reacts responsively. Being a good listener can be a skill that can help a system analyst. When a system analyst is a good listener, the groups, workgroups or teams that are the one who do the projects can accurately identify the problems from the client or the sponsor of the project. a good listener can listen to the suggestions of the members of the groups that would make the information system that the system analyst analyze be more stable or less prone to unfavorable situations.  About the characteristic on reacting to what people say immediately is analyzing what people say in a shortest possible time. It would be like a critique on what the other people said might. System analyst must have the ability of reacting, and analyze on what people said because when a client express the what are the problems that the clients wants into his information system or problems that the clients wants to change in order to adopt to the changes of the company, a good listener system analyst would transform the problem into a series of solution and analysis of the system. It is just like when a good listener system analyst listens to something, the system analyst can immediately know what to do and the system analyst would immediately know how to organize the team and workgroups into the what system analyst  plan from  his mind while listening to the problem.
                The fourth characteristic of a good system analyst is knowledgeable of technology. It would important to know the technologies that information system requires in order to run the information system in the machine. It would be needed what are the cost in order to buy those devices, hardware or simply a technology in order to run the system analyst design and implementation to the hardware which can be used by the direct user of the system. A Systems Analyst should have technical knowledge and skills in both tools and techniques. When we say technical knowledge and skills in tools, he/she should be acquainted or has knowledge with computers / peripheral devices (hardware) ,communication networks and connectivity, database and database management systems (DBMS), programming languages (for example, VB.NET or Java), operating systems and utilities, software productivity packages, integrated development environments (IDEs) for programming languages, and CASE tools, testing, documentation support, reverse engineering, configuration management. On the other hand, when we say technical knowledge and skills in techniques, he/she should be acquainted or has knowledge with project planning, systems analysis, systems design, database design, network design, construction, implementation, and systems support. A systems analyst should be flexible to be prepared for the rapid changing technology that we have.
                The fifth characteristic is that the system analyst must have knowledge about the businesses. He must know what the business strategies are or make a business strategy for the company; he must know what the plans are or make plans of the company. The system analyst should know the organizational structure of the company, the organization techniques and the system analyst must know the functional work processes that exist in the company. The important thing to be analyst is when understanding the goals and strategies of a business and defining the information requirements that support those goals and strategies are a mighty hard task done by a Systems Analyst. This task requires specific skills and these are: Technical Knowledge, Business Knowledge and People Knowledge.
                The characteristic of a good system analyst is in us. All we need to do is to develop it in order to use the potential that we have as a natural system analyst.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Characteristics I have as a good System Analyst

               System Analyst based on what I knew is the one that investigate, analyze, design, develop, installs, evaluates, and maintains a company’s information systems. System analysts figure out how to use computer to get things done. They also tell organization and other businesses which computer and software to buy, and they decide how to get those tools to work together. They are called the problem solver and they also help translate business requirements into IT projects or Information System. System analyst should have a strong backgrounds and experiences in dealing with problems.
                System analyst should have a logical approach or methods in solving problems. System analyst also should have great expertise and knowledge about technology, in computers (hardware), computer network (connectivity). System analyst should have also have experiences and knowledge about database design, and database management system. System analyst also should have to know different programming language, and operating system and its utilities. System analyst must know the how to use software tools such as IDEs, CASE tools, reverse engineering, and tools that are in the computer. System analyst should know System analysts have the skill of making plans, database design, network design, system design, and constructing system support.
                System analyst should have knowledge about how businesses run or managed, or they have to know what are the business functions that the business currently performing. System analyst should have the skill to identify Strategies, plans, traditions, and values of the organization. The system analyst must know the organization management techniques. And lastly, System analyst should have a skill that can understand how people think, learns, react to changes, communicate, and work.
                For me to discuss the characteristics of system analyst that I possess would take me time to discuss.  In my 18 years of existence, for me, the first characteristics that I have as a good system analyst is that I can deal with problems resourcefully. In dealing with problems, I spend most of my time multitasking doing something, and thinking and solving problems at the same time so that I can thing deal the problem immediately. In dealing with problems the first thing that I always consider are the things or resources that I have, in case that it would help me dealing in my problems. It includes what would are the things that I have and the things that I need, the money  that I need to buy or get the things that I need, and the time that I would spend doing something concerning with that problem or project.  I also consider the energy I have if I am exhausted, I sleep for an hour since sleep is my priority. My approach to a problem depends on the problem because for me, problems have differences and have to deal with it differently.
                The other thing and characteristics which I proudly of is that I have a sense of analysis. I always analyze things up to its small details. When I see things, I always think towards things like what would be it use, what made up to this thing, how can I use it efficiently, and how can it help me solving problems.
When I analyze thing, I usually want to know and think something about it from its general aspect to its basic and smallest detail concerning about it. I believe that everything and every problem that I encounter are just related and is correlated to what I usually do and I usually encounter and saw in my daily life. Analysis for me is just observing the broad detail up to its smallest detail. It’s just like solving mathematical problem or solving physics problem, solving or doing programming and playing chess. I always analyze even I played games and doing strategies in gaming.
                In analyzing problems, I always consider is that, how can I solve this problem and what would I do to solve this problem. I deal with project or problem like I played chess. I always consider what will happen I move this way or move that way. In think problems while walking or while I wait for a bus. i just want to deal with problems logically in a way that I can have benefits when executing my plan or analysis, it is like chess. To have a logical approach in solving problem makes a me feel good and comfortable. I anticipate what will happen when I do something. in thinking about what method that I will do, I always consider the worst case scenario or the worst scenario that I would encounter when dealing with problems. I always think what would be my solution in that worst scenario initially. If I have solution for that happenings, that would be the time that I insert less effort in solving problem. In other words, I think and anticipate the logical methods on how to solve problem from the worst case scenario to the small things that might happen along the way. Someone says that I am a logical man and I think about things differently to the point that they do not understand when I explain it to them. When formulating methods in solving problem, I always ask the question or “why not this?” or “is my effort worth it?”
                In my course, technology should be my best friend. Even I cannot buy some of it, at least I read some reading materials to know the features and basic functionalities of it. Even I can’t by it, I have the basic knowledge on how to use it and I can say that a gadget is faced out or out of the latest. I have to know the latest technologies that are existed in the mainstream or even the ideas of technology that were presented by inventors of companies around the world. I have to read a lot to know the most basic and most complex technology that are existed around the globe.  Above all, my interest would remain to the latest technology concerning with the computer and its different usage. The latest computer architecture and the latest computer components that is present in the mainstream. it includes the new networking tools and devices, and the new programming language presented by the computer scientist. I also am observing the new updates about the latest networking protocol and the new computer related stuff. In reading something about the latest gadgets and technology, I always consider what would be the use of the gadget or technology in solving the world problems and its other usage and functionalities.
                In my course and in my 3rd year of my study, I had a great experiences concerning about computer networking in my computer networking subject and computer hardware in my computer system organization. For me I have enough knowledge about computer networking and computer organization and hardware. In my class in computer networking, we are required to make or do computer networking designs. I also have to understand what are the usage and drawback of every networking components and device. I also had hands on exercises about designing a good computer networking design. In my computer systems organization class, we had a great time learning what are the components of a computer system and how the computer system work each other that make a computer system. I learned also from that class about how central processing unit (CPU) do its calculation and work. I also learned how the components of the computer system do their respective task in order to run a process, program or computer services. With those classes, I had great time learning the basic on computer networking and computer system organization, computer hardware, and computer architecture. After knowing the basic about computer, I always read some reading materials and articles concerning about the latest of computer networking, latest computer architecture, and computer hardware that the biggest computer hardware manufacturer offer. i also read something about the details in computer architecture and also the details in computer networking.
                I also have a basic knowledge and enough experiences concerning about database designing and implanting it using database management system (DBMS). it was third year first semester in my Bachelor of Computer Science Course that I had subject called database that helped me a lot about database design and implementation. In that database subject, I learned the details about designing database, making Entity Relationship diagram. I had a approachable and experienced facilitator that can answer my question and clear my confusion. I also learned how to make a system that made me knew what would I do to in making system which was in that case was a enrollment system. The things I learned on how to design a database made me finish our subject in making our version of enrollment system. Even though it was not perfect system, we did apply our learning in database designing and implement the database design to our system. in that class, I obtain the basic knowledge on how to design and implement a database in our system that we have done. I also learned how to connect database and I also learned how to use the Database Management System (DBMS) which I think has a great impact to my programming course. My knowledge about database designing would help me in analyzing a system and help me in my methods of system analysis and designing.
                In my course I learned several programming language like C, C++, java, and visual basic. I learned my C and C++ when I was in my 1st year college, first semester. That was a tough time for me, since I was in my first year and have a hard time reading and analyzing C++ codes. That time, it was my first time seeing computer codes and it was my first time making programs. My interest in coding is getting strong, and made me more inspire to do some readings about some functions and the things that C++ can do. At that time I learned how to interpret and read the structure of codes, and i think my way of analysis was enhanced with reading and tracing computer codes. In second semester of my first year in college, I had a subject that facilitates us to learn about java. At that time my analysis was more enhanced and it made me do my own algorithm. At that time I was able to design, implement and make program structures within my program. It was the first that I did a system without using a database and database management system. Instead, I did some data structure in order to manage my data. My way of thinking was improved at that time. In my database subject, our facilitator introduced us to visual basic. My knowledge about programming languages would be a great help in doing some system analysis and designing. My way of analysis that was developed while studying those programming languages would be the greatest for me as system analyst.
                In my college life, I almost think ahead about all of my schedules, projects, and the things that I have to do. I plan things if not alone, while I was walking with friends and I do it silently without them knowing it. i always use my head, use it for planning what would me my next step or the thing that will do or the thing that I will do after school. It makes me comfortable when I anticipate what probably will happen and know what I would do when I encounter those things that might happen.
                Even I don’t have experiences running a business. i can say that I have enough observations about business. Even though I can’t verify my observation about business structure and organization, it would take me small time to read and understand more how a business run and manage. And it would take me only small time to know the details about how a business was organize and construct. My observation skills would help me a lot in learning business management and structure. Concerning about my strategy skills, I always consider everything as applicable to strategy. From playing tag of wars to playing computer games like DOTA (Defense of the ancient). When thinking about the strategy, I always consider what would be the efficient way to win the play if it is with game applying strength. If it would a computer game, I always consider what the weaknesses of the enemy team are. From that, I determine what the strengths of the team are and play with it. In real life, I apply the same way of thinking strategy of doing something so that it would be efficient for me to exert efforts. I consider myself as a strategist, but concerning about whether if i always make a good strategy, i can’t tell something about it. Sometimes they always accept my strategies or play with my play since I am always the play or strategy maker of every team that I join. When planning strategy about a project or academe activities, I always let the ideas circulating I always accept ideas that can collaborate to the existing strategy or sometimes, I always give ideas to make the strategy more stable and effective and sometimes they accept it, sometimes they not. Above all, I am very confident about my ability in formulating plan and strategy but it would take more practice to advance my analysis skill to analyze from the biggest aspect to the basic and smallest detail of things that I analyze. Because for me, in order to make a good analysis, everybody must have to identify what are the things to analyze and I have some difficulty in identifying It when analyzing something because I always see the obvious things.
                As I wrote before, I consider myself as a good observer. Before college, my interest was focused on how the people think and decide. From time to time, I always observe the behaviors and characteristics of my classmates and even to every person that I met. In my observations to my classmates and people around me, I always ask why they act like that and why they do that. With that observation, it resulted to me not to trust everybody so easily. I found out the people around me act similarly and with that observation, I can anticipate what would be their next reaction and what would be their decision. With also in my observations, I can say that I can have at least a small anticipation on how people around me think, decide, and learn. I believe that I still did not see the different characteristic, behavior and psychology that people can do, that makes do more observation on every people I see.
                Everything that I mention about the characteristic that I have as a system analyst is the thing that I can confident to myself. Even though the characteristics I have are not as great as those of professional System Analysis, the characteristics of those system analyst are still in my practice now. It will be just time can say if every characteristics that I mentioned would be improved or perfect along the way in my life.