The Analysis phase includes the job of defining and understanding what would be the business needs and what would be the needs in the processing of the system. The system analyst as the project manager will be defining what would be the system capabilities and constraints. System analyst will define what would be the functional needs of the system which would include the activities system must perform which will be based on procedures and business functions. The system analyst as the project manager will document the analysis models. The system analyst will define also the nonfunctional requirements of the system which would be the operating environment, the usability, the reliability, the security requirements, and the performance objectives of the system that the system analyst develops. The requirements of course would depend on the people with interest in successful system implementation, the one who will benefit the success of the system or the stakeholders of the system, and they would be the direct user of the system, the clients or the sponsor of the project of the system development, and the technical staff or the one that maintain the system operation. The analyst would be the one who will analyze who would be the people that corresponds to the three types of stakeholders. The first thing to do by the system analyst is to find or gather information that will be needed in the development of the project or the system that the system analyst develops. The information will be needed by the system analyst of the project in order to understand what the business-functions that are exist, and also from what the system analyst understand on the business functions. To understand more the business functions, it is practical to make or create a model of existing system, and from the model of the existing system, it would be possible to derive the information system requirements from the existing model. The other approach in the information gathering is to identify the logical requirements of the new system then the system analyst would balance the review of existing or current business functions with the new information system or system requirements. To make the results of the analysis more reliable, the system analyst does some fact finding investigation about the existing system.
The fact finding jobs can be done in the investigation about the business by doing some readings in the review of existing report or procedure reports and descriptions about the system if there’s any. With that, it is part of the job to know identify business rules, discrepancies, and redundancies, and the need of understanding of the processes that are in the business. The other way of doing fact finding would be to do some interview and discussion about the business processes with the user of the system. Doing this would cost time because it is time consuming and money because it would be required to do many sessions in order to meet all the users and in order to understand more about the business processing requirements. The other way is to do more observations and documentation of business process in order to have a documentation of the existing system for future references which can be documented with workflow diagrams. It would be possible that there will be variation from the office walkthrough to performing actual task. The other way of making fact finding about the business process is to build and create system prototype. Making a preliminary design of the information system that will develop. It is focused in making the business process prototype to accomplish single objective which means that the prototype is changeable. The other way would be to distribute and collect questionnaires about the system that will be given to the stakeholders of the system. This technique of gathering information would be limited and specific information can be taken from a large number of stakeholders which would be the same. In short, small information can be taken a large number of people and is not well suited for gathering detailed information. Conduct application design sessions with members of the team that are in the group. It is an expedite investigation of system requirements seeking to compress fact-finding, modeling, policy formation, and verification activities into shorter time frame. With this method, it is important to have all the stakeholders in the session. Research more about vendor solutions. It is to conduct research if the other company solved the problem but it may cause a purchase solution before understanding problem which would result for the analyst who would conduct the method to not know the detail about the problem. A system analyst can pick from those method in gathering information. In the analysis phase, it is part of the analysis phase to model the information system that will be developed by the system analyst.
The system analyst will develop the system requirements of the system that the system analyst develops. It is also included in the analysis phase to define the priority of the information system requirements with that the team can identify which of the requirements would need to be handled first. In analysis phase, the system analyst as the project manager will define the prototype for feasibility and also finding and evaluating what are the alternatives in handling the problem of the system. From that the system analyst can review recommendations in the system with the management or the client.
Peter Pedro and John Juan, based on the problem, are arguing about what method to do initially in doing the analysis of the new information system that they plan to develop or make. In the problem, they are arguing in the process of doing analysis of system development which is obviously caused by different view and perspective on how to make analysis of developing new information system for the department that Peter Pedro and John Juan work. The argument of Peter Pedro and John Juan is all about on what initial work to do in order to have analysis on the new information system that Peter Pedro and John Juan develop or work together. Their argument of Peter Pedro and John Juan is all about what method of analysis to be performed to initialize or to start the project or information system of their department that they want to develop or make.
Before choosing the option of what person that I have to agree with the method of analysis of the information system of the company, I have to first define each of their side. I have to define why would be the reason why would be the advantage of the method of Peter Pedro and the advantage of the method of John Juan. And also what would be the disadvantage of the method of the method of Peter Pedro and the disadvantages of the method of John Juan. I have also to include what are the differences of the method of the Peter Pedro and John Juan, and also, I have to define in details about the methods of analysis of Peter Pedro and John Juan.
The way or methodology of John Juan of making the analysis phase in developing or making the information system for the department of the company is different than of the way of methodology or way of making the information system of Peter Pedro. The methodology or the way of making of the information system of John Juan is about examining the list of information system requirements needed in the information system of the department of the company.
John Juan has a different way or methodology of modeling the information system of the department of the company. John Juan if following or doing the method of modeling of object oriented approach in modeling the information system for the department of the company. it is to make the list of the requirements needed and convert the needed requirements into use cases. The use cases is the key in doing the object oriented approach of modeling the information system of the department of the company. So I think, the method of analysis of the John Juan follows a modeling method of object oriented approach in modeling the information system of the department of the company.
So first I have to explain about what is the Object Oriented Approach of modeling the information system for the department of the company. Object oriented system Approach of modeling information system is Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.0). The unified modeling language is a standard modeling technique or method of Object Management Group (OMG). In the Object Oriented Approach of modeling the system in the analysis phase of developing information system for a department of a company, the system is viewed as a collection of interacting objects. The view of the information system in object oriented modeling approach is that objects interact with people and each other. And the information system is viewed in doing Object Oriented Approach in making model of information system as objects that send and respond to messages from the objects or people which interacts with each other. One of the requirements of the modeling of information system are specified and documented through process of building models. The initial process of object oriented method of modeling is to identify the use cases and problem domain classes (one the things in users’ work environment). In also doing the Object Oriented modeling approach of modeling information system, business events generate elementary business processes that the new or the developed system must address as use cases. As part of the Object Oriented approach in modeling information system, the use cases define the functional requirements of the information system that would be developed for the department of the company. The object oriented approach of modeling the information system requires different kinds of models, like use case model, it is a collection of models to capture system requirements. The use case is simply the reason to use a system or information system. There should be analysis in the use case of the system, since it is needed to identify and define all business processes that system must support. The use case is also an activity that the system carried out, and it is usually in response to a user request.
The other one is the use case diagram, it is a used in helping in identifying the actors and their roles on how the actor roles utilize the system. The use case diagram contain actors that usually represented by a stick. The actor is the person who interacts with the system, it is also the role played by the user and it is outside the automation boundary. Simple use case diagram shows overview of functional requirements.
The other one is the activity diagram, the activity diagram is a type of workflow diagram that describes the user activities and their sequential flow. The activity diagram is used to document the workflow of business process activities for each use case or scenario in the information system developed in the project. The activity diagram support any level of use case description; a supplement to use case descriptions. Also, the activity diagrams are helpful in developing system sequence diagrams.
The other model required in modeling information system following the object oriented approach of modeling system is the System Sequence Diagrams (SSDs), the System Sequence Diagram defines inputs and outputs and sequence of interactions between user and system for a use case. The System Sequence Diagram is a communication diagram or a sequence diagram. The System Sequence Diagram is used to model input and output messaging requirements for a use case or scenario of the information system. The System Sequence Diagram shows sequence of interactions as messages during flow of activities. In System Sequence Diagram, the system is shown as one object and it is a black box. The System Sequence Diagram follows a notation, it is said that Lifeline or object lifeline is a vertical line under object or actor to show passage of time for object. The other notation is that the message is labeled on arrows to show messages sent to or received by actor or system, Actor is role interacting with the system with messages.
The other model that required in object oriented approach in modeling the information system is the message between the object, it is the communication between objects within a use case. The other model that will be needed in modeling the information system is the Domain models, the domain models describes the classes of objects and their states. And the other model required in doing object oriented approach in modeling information system is the State Machine Diagrams, the state machine diagrams describe states of each object.
The way or methodology of Peter Pedro of making the analysis phase in developing or making the information system for the department of the company is different than of the way of methodology or way of making the information system of John Juan. The methodology or the way of making of the information system of Peter Pedro is about examining the process in the old or existing information system of the department of the company. Peter Pedro follows the traditional method or approach of modeling the information system for the department of the company.
So now, I will explain what would be the traditional approach of modeling information system for the department of the company. The Traditional approach or method of doing model of information system view the system as a collection of process, the traditional approach or method of making a model to a system also must view the system as collection of process that interact with data entities. In the traditional way or approach in modeling information system, the system is regarded as a collection of processes that accept inputs and produce outputs. In doing the traditional method or approach of modeling information system, a data flow diagram will be made as part of the method In the traditional approach. The data flow diagram shows how data moves through an information system but does now show program logic or processing steps. A set of data flow diagrams provides a logical model that shows what the system does, not how the information system does the processes and the work. In making the data flow diagram, it is needed to create a graphical model of the information system based on your fact-finding results. There are three step process of making the data flow diagram, the first one is to draw a context diagram. The context diagram is a data flow diagram that summarizes all processing activity for the system or subsystem. In making the data flow diagram, a logical model and a physical model are made. The logical model shows what the system must do. The logical model assumes implementation in perfect technology. And the logical model does not tell how system is implemented. The second one to be made with data flow diagram is the physical model. The physical model describe how the system will be constructed. The physical model also describes assumtions about implementation technology. And also, the physical model developed in last stages of analysis or in early design. The physical model of data flow diagram shows the technology-specific processes. the physical model of dataflow diagram shows actor-specific process names. Also, the physical model of dataflow diagram shows technology or actor specific process orders and the physical model of dataflow diagram shows redundant processes, data flows, and files. The context diagram is highest level and is the most abstract view of the information system and the context diagram shows system boundaries. Then the second one is to draw a 0 data flow diagram, and the last one is to draw the lower-level diagrams. In traditional approach in modeling information system for the department of a company, each process, data flow and data store requires detailed definition. Analyst may define processes as structured English process specifications, decision tables, decision trees, or detail process data flow diagram. The detailed process decomposition of data flow diagrams used when internal process complexity is great. Data flows are defined by component data elements and their internal structure.
From those facts, we now define the sides of two parties, Peter Pedro and John Juan. Their point was both fine and good. The method of doing analysis in the information system of the department of the company should depend on the situation of the company. if they want a fast result on or if they want to have the system as soon as possible, they to do the object oriented approach in modeling the information system for the department of the company which would initially require the system analyst to get the list of requirements and determine what would be they want the system to do and convert the result to a use case. Makin the use case diagram would be the initial step in doing the object oriented approach of modeling information system for the department of the company. If they want to have long and predictive approach in doing the life cycle or the system development life cycle, they have to follow what mister John Juan proposed.
The proposed method of the two person don’t differ that much. The fact finding, examining the old system, review of the key documents of the systems and observing the workers are all the other way of knowing the list of requirements. It is just that, the list of requirement would probably the same or overlaps the features, functionalities and modules of previous information system or old information system. if I were to choose on what method I will follow, the method of Peter Pedro or the method of John Juan, I would it by saying “It depends on the trust of the client on me”. If they don’t allow me to do fact finding personally, do examining old or existing information system, review on the documents that would help me in doing the system development of the system, observing their workers, and just give list of system requirement that they want in the system to protect the confidentiality of their company, I have no choice but to do the job. But if they trust me enough to do observation personally on their company operation, I would do the job based on what would be the result of my observation on the company operation. As much as possible, I would do the method that John Juan do even if it would cost me more effort.
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